1603 29th St
Boulder, CO 80301
(720) 687-2741
We Can Help- Don’t Let Drug Addiction Ruin Your Life
Drug addiction can make your life feel like it is spiraling out of control. You cannot move on with your goals and dreams until you take action against the addiction itself. That’s where Barnes Behavioral and our drug rehab facility in Boulder, Colorado comes in. We will take care of you throughout your addiction recovery process while making sure you get the best care possible. Understanding what goes on in an addiction treatment facility is the best course of action to take before you commit to treatment. Read on for more information about what our facility offers.
The Intake Process
You will need to sit down with our counselors and therapists for intake before you can begin our addiction recovery program in Boulder. We will want to know all about your addiction, so please be as open and honest with us as possible. When we know what you are dealing with on a daily basis, we can plan the appropriate course of action. Our staff is committed to providing the best care that we can for every client who walks through the doors. We will also take care of consent and insurance forms before you begin your treatment.
Caring Faculty
Our addiction treatment center in Boulder is well-known for hiring caring, compassionate staff who will do everything in their power to take care of you in your time of need. The staff has proved sensitive care to countless individuals who have gone through withdrawals and the process of rehab. They know the best treatment for you and will do what they can to provide it. We will always be on call to help you through every step of the day.
We Provide Supervision during Detox
Many of our clients come to us in active withdrawals. In fact, one of the main reasons that individuals relapse is because they cannot make it through the pain and discomfort of withdrawal on their own. We can help. Our professionals will be by your side the entire time you are dealing with issues stemming from the withdrawal process. We know that it can be uncomfortable and downright painful at times, so we will do whatever we can to make it easier for you. You will never be alone when you are a client at our Boulder substance abuse treatment facility.
Therapy in our Drug Detox Clinic
Therapy is one of the most crucial parts of rehab. Barnes Behavioral drug rehab centers offer various types of therapy for every client. You’ll talk to a counselor privately who will discuss any other issues that are separate from the addiction. This approach is known as dual diagnosis and is important during rehab. Clients who come to us with mental or mood disorders often realize that they are why they have become addicted to drugs in the first place. We will assist you in finding ways to cope with any disorders while remaining sober.
Group Therapy-Why it Helps
While you are a guest in our Boulder addiction recovery center you will have the opportunity to participate in group therapy sessions. These sessions are vital to your recovery as they allow you to communicate with people who are in the same situation you are in. You will have the chance to speak openly and honestly in front of men and women dealing with the same issues. Many clients make lifelong friends in group therapy sessions while in recovery.
Leaving Treatment-What Happens Next
After you leave our addiction recovery center in Boulder, Colorado we encourage you to continue with an aftercare treatment plan. This will help you stay healthy and sober when you are out. Ask your therapist about our relapse program and continued care planning options. We can help set you up with 12-step meetings, sober living facilities, visiting nurses and more. Addiction doesn’t end when the drug detox clinic program does, so we want to be there for you in the event of a relapse. Call Barnes Behavioral addiction recovery facilities today or stop in for more details.